The last few years have been a tearing down of sorts for me. A clearing of the lot, if you will. I’ve come to realize in the last few years that my faith was built on a faulty foundation. It wasn’t all bad, and it was built with good intentions, but faulty nonetheless. I built my faith house on that bad foundation and then kept living in it. Over the years I pursued spiritual growth and transformation, and I did find those things. But that growth was like renovating a kitchen in a house built on a bad foundation. Things looked and felt a lot better, but it didn’t really stop my house from crumbling when the storm came.
Other Mothers
There’s been lots said about the need for a village. Jen Hatmaker calls them “bonus moms” in her new book and writes a more beautiful tribute to them than I ever could. Whatever you want to call it, a tribe, a village, bonus moms, second mothers, the experience of other people loving and caring about my kids has changed me and shaped my kids lives in incredible ways. I am so incredibly thankful for these women in my kids lives. Thankful that I get to be in their kids lives.